Staying out of Trouble

If you are worried that you or your friends are getting into trouble, there are things you can do to help
four teenage friends standing outside and laughing together

Some people make mistakes along the way while they are growing up and becoming adults. Usually this easily solved. But sometimes young people suffer problems as a result, like:

  • Missing school or college
  • Not getting important qualifications
  • Drifting into risky or  criminal behaviour

If this is happening to you or a friend, then you need to take action. There is lots of help is available.

Take action: The Stay True to You website lists local information, services and support in Milton Keynes, Oxfordshire, Buckinghamshire and Berkshire to help keep young people safe

Drugs and alcohol

When young people get into trouble drugs and alcohol are often involved. They can make it harder to resist pressure and easier to act in way that is impulsive, aggressive, or dangerous. Drugs and alcohol also make harder to think clearly about situations.

Crucial: Drinking alcohol and driving is illegal and highly dangerous. If you are aged 18+ and have plans to drink alcohol, agree to be the designated driver, or ask somebody for a lift, or book a taxi.

Talk to someone

If you are worried about your own or someone else's behaviour, then talk to a trusted adult, this could be a teacher, youth worker or social worker. These adults have a duty to make sure you are safe.

Instant expert: Keeping Children Safe on the Oxfordshire County Council Website

Becoming involved with risky people and situations can quickly become a habit. People who get bored easily, or who don't have many interests in their life, are particularly at risk.

Instant expert: Learn more about the risky situations of Gangs, Drugs and Alcohol, Radicalisation and Child Sexual Exploitation

Every year, fewer young people enter the justice system. This is because most young people don't commit crimes, and those that do often stop, either on their own or through being successfully supported to avoid crime.

Ways to help yourself

People in risky situations struggle to find opportunities and maintain healthy relationships. They are also more at risk of health problems and dropping out of education.

If you or your friends are getting involved in risky or dangerous behaviour, there are some simple changes you can make which will help:

Having more going on in your life means more people see you regularly, help you build skills and look out for you. This is one of the best ways to stay safe and happy.

Find out more


Posted by Mowlid Ali
Posted ago

I was person that used to have a lot friends and I did made some mistakes because I wasn’t thinking clearly now i think clearly the reason I try to make a change because to be safe and others be safe too, but I have hard time getting good jobs because of my mistakes any way I didn’t give up getting job now I work with temp agency they work with company that really need people because the work is really hard and I am working on getting my CDL so I can drive trucks

Thank you for sharing your story, it is really inspiring to hear how well you are doing now, and we wish you the best of luck with your upcoming driving test.

Posted by Nathan Nai Chaisri
Posted ago
I didn't start of so good. My teenager life wasn't so good, I was followed wrong group of peoples that has bad influence, I was enjoyed social life too much and don't care about my education, drinking on the streets and parks, going out at night case trouble, then missing school. when school ended I gain little qualification that wouldn't do me any good. when I finally got a job in Mcdonald, this's on job option that I had, but I'm still not stop with bad behaviours, in fact its has gone worsts, because I got a little income I started drink more and go out in night club, taken loan created tangle debt, not long after I lose my job, and had massive debt with bad credit score. Sitting at home facing all the problems for years and can't find a jobs, no one to talk too all my friends the so dear to has left me. I then finally woke up from this horrible life and stop drinking and try harder to find a job. Then I met a solder on the who dress smart and look professional, we start a conversation and he give me advise for my best choice is to joint the British army where I could gain my experiences and qualifications, so I did and I never regret. I'm now have the qualifications of Managers, Health and safety advisor, and Logistic level 3 and more. Thank to the British Army In passed 8years I travel around the worlds have see many places such skies In Norway n France, jungle survival in Belize, kayaking in Cyprus and more. My financial now secure but my credit score still not fully recover. My advice to youngster is don't starting off as I did, stay focus on your education and aim for your career path, don't spend unnecessary bills and the most important thing is keep your credit score high this will help you getting a car or mortgage for a house. the house is best think you should invest in to at young age. properties prices would never go down. Be smart and start of right!

Hi Nathan, thank you for sharing your story, it is really inspiring to hear and we wish you all the best. 

Posted by sadgirl
Posted ago

I'm having problems right now … where can I get help!

Hello! I've edited your reply to remove the personal information, for your privacy, as this is a public website. 

Children who need to talk to someone right away in the UK can always call Childline or link up with them online. For older young people (aged 16+) the Site offers online forums where youth workers offer support.

You did not mention where you are from, but similar online support is available in other countries too.

All the best

the Oxme team

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