Results Day 2024

Information and tips to help you get prepared for Results Day 2024
Two students collecting exam results

Results Day can be a stressful and anxious time for some. But it can help to be prepared. 

What date is Results Day this year?

  • A-Level Results Day is Thursday 15th August
  • GCSE Results Day is Thursday 22nd August

Crucial: Ask at your place of learning if you are unsure how and when you will be getting your results. 

Having plans in place

Before you collect your results, it's a good idea to have a plan in place. 

Many young people find it helpful to know:

  1. Who they will open their results with
  2. When and when they will collect their results
  3. Who they can talk to if results are a surprise 

Take action: Already have next steps in place? Ask about Transition or Open Days taking place over the summer

Support is available 

Whether your results are as planned or a surprise, you might need support.

You can access support from:

  1. Your current place of learning
  2. Your planned future place of learning 
  3. The National Careers Service

Good to know: Around Results Day there will also be dedicated support available the National Careers Service. You can speak to a careers adviser by calling 0800 100 900 or chat online.