Statement of Service
Online information for all young people in Oxfordshire, including;
- Information about the Targeted Youth Support Service and Referral to the Targeted Youth Support Service;
- Opportunity search function for apprenticeships and opportunities for younger jobseekers aged 16-24;
- Online registration for EET Support Service for young people who are NEET (Not in Education, Employment and Training) and who need extra support;
- Online registration of post-16 learning destination triggering support through weekly jobs and learning bulletins;
- Online Notification of NEET (Not in Education, Employment and Training) status for children who leave learning early;
- Information about positive activities happening locally; and
- Information about key priorities and support for local young people including Mental Wellbeing.
Support for young people not in education, employment, or training
NEET young people are those aged 16-18 who are Not in Employment, Education or Training (up to 25 if they have an EHC plan or are Looked After).
You can request support from the EET Support Service online.
You can notify the team of a young person who has left learning early online.
This can be a one-off discussion, ready for work sessions or course, or ongoing 1-1 work depending on the needs of each young person.
Outreach to NEET Young People
For young people who are Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET):
- 16-18 year olds who are NEET are contacted every 30 days and offered support into learning or work. This may also include support on barriers facing young people trying to get into work or learning. Local authorities are required to promote the participation in education or training of all 16-18 year olds in their area under the Raising Participation Age Legislation.
- Young people becoming NEET are sent an information pack explaining the support available
- All young people where we have email contact details are sent weekly emails encouraging them into learning (sign up here)
- Weekly social networking promotions run on our social media accounts Oxme @oxmeinfo and @oxmeinfo providing information about EET and opportunities in Oxfordshire
Support for Schools and Colleges
Support for schools and colleges to implement best practice in careers education and guidance through networking events, regular communications and sharing information about post-16 learning and employment opportunities.
- Identification of students at risk of becoming NEET and support for students at risk to remain in learning.
- Provide destination data to schools to help them improve their Careers Education and Guidance
- Weekly Bulletins to provide regular information about the local offer of opportunities
- EET Casework services can only be provided when a child has left statutory education at 16+, while a child is at school IAG remains responsibility of the school.
Full statement of service
This is a summary version of our statement of service.
Download the full statement of service.