About this site
The oxme.info website was created in 2015 in consultation with local young people. It is a service provided by Oxfordshire County Council Children's Service, with further support and content provided by Oxfordshire County Council Public Health Team.
The aim of this site is to promote and support youth education, and not merely for academic subjects we learn in school. Topics such as internet safety and after-school clubs on this site will help ensure a self-sufficient future and a sustainable environment for Oxfordshire’s Youth and visiting families. The site simply is a map for young individuals to uncover where they aspire to be in years to come and find out how to get there. By joining activities, finding opportunities or even just by reading the site’s information, you can develop skills to apply in the future. - Kiara Konishi, Work Experience Student oxme.info
If you want to tell us about news, an update, information or anything else, you can contact us, leave a comment, or contact us at oxme@oxfordshire.gov.uk
Oxfordshire County Council Education, Employment and Training Team County Hall 4th Floor New Road Oxford OX1 1ND
The website is divided into four themes, health, life, learn and earn. These themes, along with the look of the website, the language used on it, topic titles, design, and font and colour choices were developed with input from hundreds of local young people, including members of the then Oxfordshire Youth Parliament.
You can see all the pages on the oxme.info website on our Site Map.
Promote the site
This website oxme.info and its sister site www.activitiesoxfordshire.info are for young people aged up to 19 (25 with learning difficulties and disabilities). There is enhanced information for young people aged 13-19 to support their move from learning to employment.
If you are working with young people in or near Oxfordshire, we are happy to help you promote oxme.info:
- You can link to oxme.info without requesting permission.
- If you would like oxme.info to link to you, please contact us.
- We can provide posters for oxme and the Targeted Youth Support Service
- We have web buttons and banners (horizontal and vertical) for you to use on your website. We've got more, email us at oxme@oxfordshire.gov.uk if you'd like a broader choice.
- You can use this promotional article to help write news articles, Facebook posts, and tweets.
Join the team
Oxme.info takes young volunteers. These roles are open to young people from Oxfordshire only. In addition, we recruit young people to:
- Test new content and features
- Fill in surveys and answer consultations
- Discuss how to improve the website
If you are interested in getting involved, please fill in the form.
The history of oxme.info
Oxfordshire County Council originally had several different websites for young people in Oxfordshire. These included Spired.com, Connexions Oxfordshire, and Big Voice Oxfordshire. There was also a book called the Oxfordshire Young People's Survival Guide. In 2012 these were combined to create a single website, oxme.info, which was divided into Boombox, for young people aged 8-12, and Oxcentric, for young people aged 13-19, or up to 25 if they have learning difficulties or disabilities (LDD).
In 2014 as a result of consultations with young people and staff we redesigned the oxme.info websites.
We have:
- Combined the two websites into one website for all ages
- Refreshed and improved health information
- Simplified the design
Read the oxme.info you said: we did report from the consultation.
At the same time, content was checked and improved, and old content was retired. If you are looking for content and no longer able to find it, please contact us or email oxme@oxfordshire.gov.uk
Do it online
These services are available from this website:
- Opportunities Search or sign up for the weekly Hot Jobs! email- opportunities suitable for young people aged 16-19 (up to 25 with LDD)
- Activities Search - activities for young people aged 13-19 (up to 25 with LDD)
- Register - tell us your learning destination to update your County Council Record
- Sign up for the monthly oxme.info updates and changes email
Request service online
Young people can ask for two main services from this website. They are both services which help children and young people in Oxfordshire. Young people can ask for service themselves using the forms on the website.
- Request service from the EET Support Service This team helps young people in Oxfordshire aged 16-18 (or up to 25 with learning difficulties or disability) who are not in education, employment or learning (NEET)
- Request Service form the Targeted Youth Support Service. This service helps young people from Oxfordshire aged who are having difficult times. Find out more about the Targeted Youth Support Service.
Advertise an opportunity
This website is part of the Education, Employment and Training Team. We work to encourage all young people in Oxfordshire to remain in learning until aged 18, and progress successfully into employment, higher education or training at the right time for them. We also encourage young people in Oxfordshire aged 13-19 (up to 25 with learning difficulties and disabilities) to take part in regular, organised leisure-time activities as this supports their successful development. We also provide information and guidance to young people in Oxfordshire about health, including mental health, personal safety, peer support and more. We will:
- Promote, list and advertise any job, learning, training, or apprenticeship opportunities directly to young people in Oxfordshire who are seeking work and training, and their supporting adults. Email opportunities@oxfordshire.gov.uk with your advert/a link to the opportunity and/or a filled-in opportunity sheet, or post an opportunity online.
- Promote, list and advertise any positive leisure time activities for young people in Oxfordshire aged 13-19 (up to 25 with learning difficulties and disabilities). Email activitiesoxfordshire@oxfordshire.gov.uk or find out more and get listed at www.activitiesoxfordshire.info
- Promote any other initiative, project, organisation or action locally which supports, develops or celebrates Oxfordshire's young people. Contact oxme@oxfordshire.gov.uk or send us a press release.
Please note that oxme automatically lists all opportunities on the UK Apprenticeship Finder - Find an Apprenticeship.
There is no charge for any of these services.
Comments and questions
If you have any comments to make about the site or questions about the content you can leave a comment at the bottom of any page. We need to check all comments before they are published, so there will be a delay before your comment is published.
Updates and changes
Please request any updates and changes by filling in the form. Please give as much detail as possible. You will need to know the title of the page that needs updating.
Retired content
Content on this website is reviewed regularly for currency and relevance and old or unused content is retired. This may include news, old events, participation and consultation reports, information about services that is no longer current, and parts of the website that were not used. If you are looking for content and unable to find it please email oxme@oxfordshire.gov.uk
Other Oxfordshire County Council Websites
This website (oxme.info) provides information for young people in Oxfordshire. These other websites provided by Oxfordshire County Council provide information for parents, practitioners and residents:
- www.oxfordshire.gov.uk provides information from Oxfordshire County Council for all residents
- www.oxfordshire.gov.uk/familyinformation provides information for parents and families, including childcare
- www.oxfordshire.gov.uk/practitionertoolkit provides information for professionals and practitioners working with children and families
- www.365alive.co.uk provides safety information for Oxfordshire residents from Oxfordshire Fire & Rescue Service
Oxfordshire District Council Websites
Oxfordshire contains five District and City Councils. You can find more information for young people on their websites, including grant schemes, leisure, events, funding, information, support and more:
- South Oxfordshire District Council Youth Development
- Vale of White Horse District Council Youth Development
- Oxford City Council Youth Ambition
- Cherwell District Council Leisure and Culture
Young People's websites over the borders
Oxfordshire borders onto six other counties. If you live near a county border, you can also look for services, information and more on your neighbouring county's website for young people.