
Most children (up to age 18) live with their parents/carers. There are benefits available to help with this.
All children should have a safe space to live. Any place you are staying should be:
- Suitable for children and safe
- Supporting you to stay in learning until you are 18
Usually this will be with your parents and carers, but if things are starting to go wrong, you need to get the best advice right away.
Take action: Find information from Childline about what to do if you are thinking about running away from home.
In a housing crisis?
If you are homeless or about to be homeless:
- Over 18s - contact Shelter Emergency Helpline (0808 800 4444) and your local council
- Under 18s or U25s who have have been in care should contact Oxfordshire social and health care or your local Health and Social Care
Someone to talk to
If you are having difficulties at home, there are lots of people you can talk to.
- Someone at your place of learning or activity club
- The School Health Nurse Service
- Childline
It is normal to have some arguments with the people you live with. But if things are getting difficult, you may need to get help.
Crucial: You don't need to solve problems on your own. Start by talking with a trusted adult, like a school health nurse.
More people who can help
Local support to help people having difficulties at home is available. These include:
If there are difficulties preventing you from seeking support, you can access support confidential services, such as:
- Runaway Helpline
- Childline
- Shelter Emergency Helpline on 0808 800 4444.
Crucial: If you can't phone for help, for example if you are out of credit or battery, you can get help from the police, school, and any shop showing the Safe Places logo.
Help someone who is sleeping rough
If you are worried about someone sleeping rough, you can notify StreetLink to get them the support they need. You will need to fill in a short form.
Crucial: If you believe the person sleeping rough is a child (under 18) then call the police right away on 999.
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For a young person aged 18+:
1. Call Shelterline for advice on 0808 800 4444 - you can also chat online at https://england.shelter.org.uk/get_help if you would prefer not to talk on the phone
2. Contact your local Housing department to explain that there is someone at risk of being homeless (the young person can also do this themselves). You can find contact details on your local District or City Council website.
3. Talk to your local Citizens Advice Bureau or another local Housing or homelessness advice centre or charity for independent advice.
For young people under 18
If the child is aged under 18, then you must report to them as a child at risk of homelessness to Children's Services. They will work with the family and the child to ensure that the child is not left homeless. In Oxfordshire, the reporting route is via MASH on 0345 050 7666.
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