School Health Nurse

All Schools and Colleges are supported by the School Health Nurse Service.
Children in Oxfordshire can also get support from the School Health Nurse Service if they are not at school, for example if you are home educated or for any other reason.
Take Action: Find out how to contact Oxfordshire School Health Nurse Service and the Chat Health Service (support via text message) for young people 5-19.
You can see the School Health Nurse without telling anyone else. You can see the School Health Nurse for any health concern including mental health.
More about the school health nurse service
School and College health nurses are specially trained to help keep you healthy, happy and safe.
We can help with lots of things such as:
- Advice on healthy choices, for example healthy eating, dental health, sexual health and substance use
- Emotional health
- Promoting healthy lifestyles and fitness
- Support for young people with diabetes and asthma
- Contraception
- Support for teenage parents
- Managing your own health concerns or helping someone at home
- Referrals to other organisations that might be able to help
Crucial: The School Health Nurse service also supports those at Further Education College. They can support on all kinds of issues, including quitting smoking, healthy lifestyles and mental health.
Everything you discuss with your School Health Nurse is confidential.
It is only if you are at risk or putting someone else at risk that the School Health Nurse might need to talk to other professionals. They will always try and discuss this with you first though, so you know what is going on.
Crucial: If you need a school nurse during the summer holidays or when schools are closed for any reason you can call 07769 235 149 or email
Contraceptive Health Outreach
All young people under 19 can access contraceptive health services via their School Health Nurse or the Nurse at their college. You can also access this service if you are:
- Not in mainstream education
- Electively home educated (EHE)
- Not in Employment, Education or Training (NEET)
- In employment or training but aged under 19
This service is also available for young people who are attending non-mainstream Schools, Looked After, in the Youth Justice System, in Child Protection or receiving Family Nurse Partnership services.
Contraceptive outreach includes:
- Condoms, Chlamydia Testing & Treatment, Pregnancy Testing, Emergency Hormonal Contraception, and Contraception
You can access this service by emailing or by texting Chathealth on 07312 263084 or phoning/texting the School Health Nurse Service on 07769 235 149
Crucial: You don't have to be at school or college to access any School Health Nurse services in Oxfordshire. They can be accessed by children and young people under 19 who are being educated at home (EHE), who are not in employment education or training (NEET) and who are otherwise not in mainstream education.
Frequently Asked Questions:
As school health nurses we get asked lots of different things that may be worrying young people. Below are some of the most common questions with some answers.
Can I get free contraceptives from the school and college nurses?
Yes, if your school has agreed to it. All contraceptives are also available free from Sexual health services or your GP.
My wishes are different from my parents, does that mean I cannot have a health treatment, for example, receive an immunisation?
You can still have an immunisation, or another health treatment. If you can show that you are able to understand what having a health treatment is, you can consent for yourself.
Can someone help me stop smoking or vaping?
Yes, and give you regular support and treatment, or liaise with the practice nurse at your doctor’s surgery to help you.
I want to lose weight and get fitter! Can you help?
Your school nurse can help and has lots of ideas, tips and tools to to support you.
My boyfriend/girlfriend is threatening me or making me unhappy – where can I get help?
Your school nurse will give you lots of support and help with this issue, and signpost you to other services that can help.
I feel so miserable, can my school health nurse help?
School nurses are trained to help with emotional health, and can refer you to specialised services if you need it.
I have to care for my disabled or ill parent (or other family member) – where can I get help?
Young carers are entitled to special support. You can let any staff member know you are caring for someone at home. You can also tell the school nurse who will help you to get the right support.
Some of my friends want to smoke weed, or do something else I'm worried might harm their health. Can the school health nurse help?
If you are worried about a friend, any staff member at your school can support you, including your school nurse.
Will the School Health Nurse tell my parents/carers/teacher what I discuss with them?
Anything you tell the nurse is confidential unless it is something that puts you or others at risk. If it does then they will have to share it with someone for your safety. They will discuss this with you before they do so.
Hi Armani, thank you for your comment, I have edited your comment to remove personal information. To get in touch with a school nurse during the Coronavirus restrictions please call 01865 904225 or email
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