Preparing for exams

Young student posing for the camera
Information and tips on preparing for exams

We understand that exam season can be an anxious and stressful time for many young people. But being prepared, staying connected, and taking extra care of yourself can all help. 

Take action: Visit our mental wellbeing hub to find information, resources, and links to support. 

Being prepared:

Taking steps to be prepared is a great way to make you feel ready for exams, and reduce feelings of worry or stress. 

Here are our top 3 tips on being prepared

  1. Create a revision schedule 
  2. Know where and when you're sitting your exams
  3. Know where to access support if you need it 

Good to know: It can also be helpful to have a quiet place to study and local libraries are a great place for this.

Staying motivated:

It can be easy to lose motivation when preparing for and taking exams. But here are some tips to help you stay motivated:

  • Make plans with friends during your study breaks
  • Take regular study breaks when revising 
  • Have something fun to look forward to after your exams

Good to know: Many people also find having lists or apps where you can cross off revision tasks when they are completed is motivating.

Mental wellbeing and you:

Taking care of your mental wellbeing is always important, but it's especially important when preparing for and taking exams. 

Here 3 steps you can take to support your mental wellbeing:

  1. Stay as active as you can 
  2. Getting the right amount of sleep
  3. Staying connected with loved ones

Making time for self-care is another great to support your mental wellbeing. The Mix have a useful guide on self-care.

Take action: If things become too much, support is available. You can talk to your School Health Nurse or GP, or reach out for support online from Young Minds

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