Are you a young carer?
Young carers look after someone at home who has extra needs, for example an illness, disability or addiction
Young carers look after someone at home who has extra needs, for example an illness, disability or addiction
Childcare helps you continue with education and training to provide the best support to your family
Continuing with education after GCSEs is a popular choice, with lots of different ways to learn
When young people with disabilities start work, training, or take part in work experience, their rights are protected
Health care and staying healthy in pregnancy and after your baby’s birth
Young parents still need to stay in education, employment or training and your learning provider should support you to complete your studies
Good relationships make a big difference for you and baby - and extra support is there for young parents
Results day can feel like an anxious time. But even if your results are not what you hoped you can still find a great place to study
Find out about the School Health Nurse service and how they can help you
Work experience is part of your study programme and involves spending time in a real work place, doing work
Education is coming to an end and the workplace beckons - how can you make sure you are ready for work?
Young fathers and fathers-to-be can make a huge difference to their partner and child