Benefits of volunteering
Most young people do volunteering in some way or another, and it does them good too!
Most young people do volunteering in some way or another, and it does them good too!
Every young person in Oxfordshire has the right to information and guidance about learning and career choices
Find out more about the digital and distanced services provided by the Oxfordshire Library Service
The Duke of Edinburgh programme helps young people aged 14-24 develop skills and fulfil their potential
Thinking about volunteering? Here are some ways to find opportunities
GCSEs and other pre-16 qualifications support your future learning and get you ready for Post-16 learning
Most of Oxfordshire’s children and young people go to school or college – but some are educated at home
Local libraries offer plenty of things to read, borrow, watch and listen to, mostly for free!
Volunteering is good for your CV, helps your well-being and builds your skills
Find out more about the fun things going on in your local library
Work experience is part of your study programme and involves spending time in a real work place, doing work