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Young people on a camping trip

Alcohol & safer drinking

Young people are drinking less alcohol than they used to, but drinking heavily and getting drunk is still a risk

Vaping young man


Cannabis is illegal in the UK and evidence shows it may be particularly risky for young people

wheelchair user talking with colleagues

Disability and employment

When young people with disabilities start work, training, or take part in work experience, their rights are protected

Young people drinking by some garages

Drugs and illegal highs

Children and young people in Oxfordshire can get help if there are issues with drugs or substance use in their lives

Young people practising parkour in a park

Drugs Exploitation

Information about support for young people in Oxfordshire who are vulnerable to drugs exploitation or being exploited.


eet support service

The EET Support Service provides one-to-one support for young people aged 16-18 Not in Employment, Education or Training who need extra help to re-engage with learning.

A group of school students posing for the camera

GCSE choices

GCSEs and other pre-16 qualifications support your future learning and get you ready for Post-16 learning

trainee chef

Help to find work

Support is available to help young people access education, training or other opportunities in Oxfordshire

home education

Learning at Home

Most of Oxfordshire’s children and young people go to school or college – but some are educated at home

two happy young people reading exam results together

Results Day

Results day can feel like an anxious time. But even if your results are not what you hoped you can still find a great place to study

Six students sat on outdoor steps

School leaving age

Children must stay in education, training and learning until age 18. This can be at school, college, or (after age 16) in a job with training, like an apprenticeship.

four teenage friends standing outside and laughing together

Staying out of Trouble

If you are worried that you or your friends are getting into trouble, there are things you can do to help