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A young teenage girl hides a smile behind her hand


Information about periods, your menstrual cycle, and how to get support if you need it

Six students sat on outdoor steps

School leaving age

Children must stay in education, training and learning until age 18. This can be at school, college, or (after age 16) in a job with training, like an apprenticeship.

Group of young people looking at a condom

Sexual Health

It's important to know the facts on how to keep yourself and your partner sexually healthy before you start having sex.



Learn all about sleep, including the benefits and top tips for getting your perfect night's sleep!

Four girls at a swimming pool


Swimming is a great form exercise whatever your age or ability

A young man sits in silhouette at the end of a tunnel

The Justice System

Why do children and young people commit crimes? And what happens if you do?

Polling Station sign outside an Oxford Polling Station

Voting and Participation

How to vote and why you should, as well as other ways to get involved in local and national politics at all ages

Group of young skaters

Your Rights

In Oxfordshire, in the United Kingdom and in most parts of the world everyone has rights which must be respected - by law.