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Young people on a camping trip

Alcohol & safer drinking

Young people are drinking less alcohol than they used to, but drinking heavily and getting drunk is still a risk

Vaping young man


Cannabis is illegal in the UK and evidence shows it may be particularly risky for young people

Looking over a child's shoulder as they draw a house

Going into care

Young people who are looked after are provided with help by their workers to understand their care

Two young people using a lap-top and a tablet to browse websites

Learning for Young Parents

Young parents still need to stay in education, employment or training and your learning provider should support you to complete your studies

A young woman speaks to an older woman in an informal setting

Leaving Care

Information about support for young people leaving care

Young person sat down with an information advisor

The Attach Team

Information about what who the ATTACH Team are and why they are there to help children we care for and care experienced children

A young man in a swimming pool with a baby

Young Fathers

Young fathers and fathers-to-be can make a huge difference to their partner and child

CiCC artwork

Youth Voice

Care for the future - having a voice, listening to you, taking you seriously and making friends