Alcohol & safer drinking
Young people are drinking less alcohol than they used to, but drinking heavily and getting drunk is still a risk
Young people are drinking less alcohol than they used to, but drinking heavily and getting drunk is still a risk
Cannabis is illegal in the UK and evidence shows it may be particularly risky for young people
Every young person in Oxfordshire has the right to information and guidance about learning and career choices
When you’re being looked after you get extra help to make sure your education continues successfully
GCSEs and other pre-16 qualifications support your future learning and get you ready for Post-16 learning
Young people who are looked after are provided with help by their workers to understand their care
Children in care have the right to have a say in how they are cared for and have their voice heard
Most of Oxfordshire’s children and young people go to school or college – but some are educated at home
Information about support for young people leaving care
Smoking, vaping and where to access support with quitting if you need it
Children in Care have access to support from education, council and independent services
Information about what who the ATTACH Team are and why they are there to help children we care for and care experienced children
Being in care or ‘looked after’ means a child is being looked after by the Local Authority because they cannot remain at home
Information for young refugees and asylum seekers coming to Oxfordshire
Care for the future - having a voice, listening to you, taking you seriously and making friends