About your school
Everything to know about going to school in Oxfordshire
Everything to know about going to school in Oxfordshire
Activities are important for all young people, and those with difficulties and disabilities benefit from taking part
If you or someone you know is having difficulties with bullying, you can take action
Why are some people bullied, while others bully?
Being excluded from school doesn't just interrupt learning. It can also have a bad impact on your future.
Basic skills are the key skills you need in study and life, and include Maths, English and ICT
Every young person in Oxfordshire has the right to information and guidance about learning and career choices
A form of child abuse where an adult targets a child (up to age 18), to sexually abuse them
There lots of different kinds of safe, reliable contraception available from your health service
The safety C-Card is a way of getting free condoms and sexual health advice for all young people aged under 25 in Oxfordshire
Before doing anything intimate with anyone else you should have consent – even for kissing
When young people with disabilities start work, training, or take part in work experience, their rights are protected
The law provides protection against discrimination
Domestic abuse is when someone is being hurt or victimised by their partner. It is a crime.
Education, Health and Life Planning for young people with education, health and care needs
If your contraception has failed, you can take steps to prevent getting pregnant, find out how
GCSEs and other pre-16 qualifications support your future learning and get you ready for Post-16 learning
CHYPPS, the Children and Young People’s Partnership Service, provides independent information, advice, and support for young people with SEN and disabilities
Most of Oxfordshire’s children and young people go to school or college – but some are educated at home
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender or Questioning - find out more about sexuality and gender identity.