Alcohol & safer drinking
Young people are drinking less alcohol than they used to, but drinking heavily and getting drunk is still a risk
Young people are drinking less alcohol than they used to, but drinking heavily and getting drunk is still a risk
If you or someone you know is having difficulties with bullying, you can take action
Why are some people bullied, while others bully?
Oxfordshire is a great place to grow up, be successful, and get the help you need help to get the best start in life.
Cannabis is illegal in the UK and evidence shows it may be particularly risky for young people
Information about criminal exploitation and how you can access support
Find out more about the digital and distanced services provided by the Oxfordshire Library Service
Help for young people using drugs and alcohol is available
Children and young people in Oxfordshire can get help if there are issues with drugs or substance use in their lives
Information about support for young people in Oxfordshire who are vulnerable to drugs exploitation or being exploited.
Local libraries offer plenty of things to read, borrow, watch and listen to, mostly for free!
Living with parents can sometimes be difficult - but help is available to make hard times easier
When you are pregnant, you have choices
Smoking, vaping and where to access support with quitting if you need it
Taking action to support your health and wellbeing helps you live life to the full
If you are worried that you or your friends are getting into trouble, there are things you can do to help
Find support for parents of young people with special educational needs (SEN) or disabilities
Find out more about the fun things going on in your local library
When someone or something dies, there is no right or wrong way to feel - the experience is different for everyone