Sexual Assault & Rape
Rape and Sexual assault is when someone touches you in a way that is inappropriate and against your wishes (does not give consent), this is against the law.
Rape and Sexual assault is when someone touches you in a way that is inappropriate and against your wishes (does not give consent), this is against the law.
It's important to know the facts on how to keep yourself and your partner sexually healthy before you start having sex.
Learn all about sleep, including the benefits and top tips for getting your perfect night's sleep!
Smoking, vaping and where to access support with quitting if you need it
Young people with special educational needs or disability may need extra help to learn and train
Volunteering is good for your CV, helps your well-being and builds your skills
Taking action to support your health and wellbeing helps you live life to the full
If you are worried that you or your friends are getting into trouble, there are things you can do to help
The internet is an important part of life and learning, but you need to stay safe online
Everyone feels stressed sometimes and it can be useful and motivate your mind. But if you feel too much stress, too often, and can't calm down, then there may be a problem.
As young people move through their teenage years their social groups change. This can lead to feelings of loneliness and not fitting in, but there are always positive steps you can take to support your wellbeing.
It can be hard to get on with study but here’s some tips that can help.
Everybody feels sad from time to time. But when feelings are getting out of control, you need to talk to someone right away
Children in Care have access to support from education, council and independent services
Find support for parents of young people with special educational needs (SEN) or disabilities
Posters, notices and fliers about Supported Internships for young people in Oxfordshire
Supported Internships are education programmes for young people aged 16-25 with an Education, Health and Care plan (EHC)
Every parent wants to know how to best support their child. Find links to sources of national and local support here.
Information for parents and carers on how they can support a young person collecting exam results
Swimming is a great form exercise whatever your age or ability