Supporting a young person with exam results

All young people should be in learning up until age 18. This does not have to be at school or college. They can also take part in work-based learning such as an apprenticeship. If this isn't right for them, there are other options, including flexible learning.
This August, you can help your child around results day:
- Take an interest in your child's results,
- Celebrate their successes,
- Make sure they are ready for September.
Most students collecting exam results will already have a place in learning for September. But if they haven't, or if plans change, support is available.
Their school, college, or place of learning will have information and guidance in place to support your student.
Results at 16+
Schools and colleges will have teachers or advisers available to speak to on the day. Local FE colleges also have drop-ins and take applications until the start of term.
Most children remain in learning until they are 18. But they may combine this with part-time work. Some also start apprenticeships at age 16.
Take action: Young people aged 16-18 who are not in education, employment, or training (NEET) can get support from the EET Support Service.
Results at 18+
Compulsory education stops at age 18.
Take action: Young people looking for a first job or apprenticeship in Oxfordshire can sign up to receive our Hot Jobs newsletter weekly or browse opportunities here on oxme.
Support is available
Many young people will know exactly what they are doing this September. But if they need someone to talk to, there is lots of help available.
- Ask for support from an EET Adviser
- Contact the UCAS Exam Results Helpline
- At 18+ visit your local Job Centre+ and speak to the younger job seekers work coach.
There is still time to get sorted for September
All young people aged 16-18 should be in education, employment, or training. Contact your local FE colleges as soon as possible as late starts are limited.
Those young people who are not able to find a suitable place in education, employment, or training can access support from the EET Support Service.
The EET Support Service will contact them regularly and support them to find a suitable place in education, employment, or learning.
Below is a list of websites offering more information on supporting a young person this results day.