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Looking over a child's shoulder as they draw a house

Going into care

Young people who are looked after are provided with help by their workers to understand their care

Young person sat by a wall


Information for young people in Oxfordshire worried about homelessness

home education

Learning at Home

Most of Oxfordshire’s children and young people go to school or college – but some are educated at home

A young woman speaks to an older woman in an informal setting

Leaving Care

Information about support for young people leaving care



Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender or Questioning - find out more about sexuality and gender identity.

Six students sat on outdoor steps

School leaving age

Children must stay in education, training and learning until age 18. This can be at school, college, or (after age 16) in a job with training, like an apprenticeship.

trainee at work stood at a till smiling at camera.png

Supported Internships

Supported Internships are education programmes for young people aged 16-25 with an Education, Health and Care plan (EHC)

Young person sat down with an information advisor

The Attach Team

Information about what who the ATTACH Team are and why they are there to help children we care for and care experienced children

A young man sits in silhouette at the end of a tunnel

The Justice System

Why do children and young people commit crimes? And what happens if you do?