Get ready for the Easter break!

The Spring holiday is your time to take a break, catch up with friends and have fun.
And with Easter just around the corner, now is a great time to start planning fun things you'd like to do!
Finding things to do
There are lots of fun activities and events taking place across Oxfordshire this Easter, and you can explore what's on by:
- Visiting the Activities Oxfordshire website
- Asking at your local library
- Checking local noticeboards
Local museums and attractions also run holiday activities, so it's worth checking to see what's on offer near you!
HAF is back! Free activities are on offer this Easter for eligible children and young people in receipt of benefits-related free school meals.
Ways to get involved
Looking for ways to get involved and have your say? Here are some of the ways you can do just that!
- Join in with the Childnet Film Competition
- Enter the IF Oxford Poetry of Science Competition
- Get involved with the Open Art Competition
If you are aged 13+ you can sign up to have your say on local matters via the Let's Talk Oxfordshire portal.
Time for wellbeing:
The Spring holiday is also a great time to take a break and check-in with yourself and your mental wellbeing.
Taking time out to do the things you enjoy, staying connected with friends and family, and finding time to rest can all help.
Wellbeing and you: Visit our mental wellbeing hub for information, tips, and links to resources to help you support your mental wellbeing.
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