Training at work
When you start a new job, you are constantly learning new skills. This includes:
- Formal training like apprenticeships
- Informal and work-based training
- Specific qualifications needed for your job
This helps you build skills and improve your career.
Keep on learning!
Training, learning and gaining qualifications are important for all employees.
Gaining qualifications through your job helps when changing jobs, getting pay increases and advancing your career.
Young people aged 16-19 who are employed but not in education or training are sometimes described as Not In Learning (NIL). This means that though they are in work they are missing out on free training or learning.
Take Action: For details on what courses are available search for learning opportunities.
If these options aren’t right for you
Some young people may find that working or learning is difficult for them, perhaps for health reasons, or if they have other responsibilities, like having a baby or caring for someone else. If this is your situation, there is still support available:
- Informal learning opportunities which have flexible hours and rolling start dates
- Respite care and other kinds of support for young carers
- Learning support for young people with difficulties and disabilities and long-term illnesses
- Help with childcare via Care to Learn and other schemes for young parents
It is so important that young people keep on learning that there is support available for pretty much any situation. Talk to your support worker to find out what is available.
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