About your school

After home, school is where most young people spend most of their time.
All young people should stay at school (or homeschooled) until age 16. After taking your GCSEs you will have a choice about your next steps.
- Staying at your school or another school for sixth form
- Going to a Further Education College
- Doing an apprenticeship
All children should stay in learning until they are 18, but it does not have to be at school.
Take Action: If you are currently out of learning, register your details with us to access support with finding suitable learning that works for you.
Where can I go to school?
Parents must apply to get an Oxfordshire school place for their child. Many parents visit the school first, to find out what it's like. Most young people go to a school near to them.
Other kinds of schools, for example private schools, have their own application schemes.
Take Action: From school term dates to applying for your place, everything you need to know about Oxfordshire Schools.
Absence and exclusion
You should be at school every day unless you are ill, or if your parents or carers have requested time off for urgent reasons.
Being excluded happens when you have done or said things that are against your school's behaviour rules. Find out more about being excluded.
Crucial: Children who are ill for a long time are supported by the Oxfordshire Hospital School. They make sure you get the education you are entitled to, even if you are ill.
Travel to School
Staying active can help to support your studies, as well as keeping you fit and healthy.
Active Travel is a great way to build exercise into your day. Active travel means doing exercise when you're going to your school, college, university or workplace. Active travel includes:
- Walking
- Cycling
- Jogging or running
You school may have schemes to encourage active travel, sport, and exercise. Taking advantage of these is a great way to make sure you get and keep the exercise habit.
Find out more about travel to school in Oxfordshire.
Crucial: The NHS recommend an hour of moderate to vigorous activity every day for children and young people. Including your travel to school or college is a great way to make sure you hit this target.
Work experience
As part of your education between the ages of 15 and 16, your school will help you arrange a work experience placement.
You school may find you a placement or you can agree it with an organisation you want to work with. Your school will check that the placement is safe and suitable.