Go to School

Compulsory school age is from age 5 to 16. Parents have to make sure that their children get an education during these years.
For most children this means going to school, although you can also be educated at home.
Most children also go to nursery or preschool before they are five. This helps them get used to activities, learning and getting along with other children.
In Oxfordshire, most young people aged 16-18 also continue in school or college, though some carry on learning alongside work, or in an apprenticeship.
Take Action: Find out all about schools on the Oxfordshire County Council website.
Absence from school
It is important to make sure you miss as little school time as possible. The school needs to approve absence for any reason.
This is because going to school supports your health and development.
- Missing out on lessons leaves you vulnerable to falling behind and gaining fewer qualifications
- Worse exam results limits learning options post-16
- Lower school attendance exposes you to risks like exploitation and crime
Sometimes children don't want to go to school. Reasons can include:
- Someone making life at school difficult or bullying you
- Finding schoolwork hard, or being tired
- Worrying about things that are happening at home
When there is a problem at school or home, it is important to get help. You can talk to any teacher at your school or your school health nurse if there are problems making it hard for you to attend school.
Instant expert: Find out all the rules about absence at school on the Oxfordshire County Council website.
Solving problems at school
Learning to solve problems at school helps you build skills for your future. Sometimes these are called soft skills, or people skills. They help make you work ready.
You don't have to do everything yourself. As well as parents and carers, these people can support you to solve problems:
- Your School Health Nurse or Doctor
- Your Teacher or Teaching Assistant
- Any other trusted adult at your school or activity
More help is available for students who have learning difficulties and disabilities.
There is also targeted support for difficulties like being a young carer, a young parent, or someone is misusing drugs or alcohol at home.
Crucial: Most children have some challenges at school, and it is normal to want to solve these yourself. But it's okay to ask for help for any problem that is making you regularly stressed or unhappy.
Your right to education
You have the right to free education up to age 18. This can be provided by school or college, or though education at home.
If you are excluded from school, you still need to carry on learning. This is also true if you are in alternative provision, on reduced hours or doing work experience. Attendance at all of these is compulsory!
Post-16, children can continue to study at college or take an apprenticeship. If you do not already have grade 5 or above in GCSE English and Maths, you need to carry on with these as part of your study programme.
Instant expert: All the rules on exclusions from Oxfordshire County Council.
Attendance matters
Young people who are absent from school risk of much more than just failing exams. Research shows that young people who go missing from school, even for short periods of time, are more at risk.
Because this is such a serious problem, if your attendance drops, your school or college will investigate and make efforts to help you stay in learning. You also have a responsibility to attend and work with the learning provider, or the local education authority, to solve problems.
My opinion: It is important that young people go to school because they need to get a GCSE and become rich. Going to school helps you when you live your older life. In my opinion, it is important to go to school because you can get a good GCSE if you focus hard and then you will live a life you’ve always wanted. - Murat, 15, Oxford
Changing schools
Sometimes children need to move school. You get extra support when this happens because:
- You need to avoid any interruption in learning
- It can be stressful making new friends and learning new rules
- It can feel like you have catching up to do
For lots of people this is an exciting time, but because of the disruption it is usually best for learning if you change schools as few times as possible.
Crucial: You can find out about how to change schools on the Oxfordshire County Council website.
Extra-curricular activities
To get the most out of your school, make sure you take advantage of after-school clubs and extra-curricular activities, like sports facilities, music and drama, and other clubs.
Making a habit of getting active during your teenage years will help support your health and happiness for the rest of your life.
Crucial: If your school doesn't offer activities you enjoy, you can get similar benefits from an activity offered in your local community. Find an activity.
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