Transitioning into adulthood with SEND

As you get older, you make your own choices about your life.

This page is suitable for all readers. It is also part of the Oxfordshire Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Local Offer, which is information, services and support for children and young people in Oxfordshire with special educational needs and disabilities and their families.
Most people move off their EHCP as they move through their teenage years, and no longer need support.
If you continue to need support, there are lots people you can talk to:
- Teachers and other support staff at your place of learning
- SENDIASS - provides impartial information, advice and support around SEND
Instant Expert: Find out more and watch information videos on the SENDIASS website.
Education and Employment
Each school has a teacher called the Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCo) who will help to make sure that you are listened to and get the right support.
You can find out more about SEN and disability at school and work, and about what to do if you face discrimination.
Finding local services
There are lots of local groups which provide services for young people with special educational needs. Some of these are run by large organisations, like further education colleges, but there are also lots and lots of small groups.
Take action: You can find local services for children, young people, and families on the Family Information Directory. Once you become an adult (18+) you can find local services that can offer support on Live Well Oxfordshire.
Your local offer belongs to you!
The Local Offer explains support available to children and young people with special educational needs and disability, and to their families. We hope you found this page helpful.
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