Drug and Alcohol use support

Young people under 19 can get free help to address drug and alcohol use in Oxfordshire. It can provide:
- Support from specialist workers
- Access to treatment
- Support for young people affected by someone else’s use, for example a parent or older sibling.
You can ask for help for yourself, or someone else like a family member. You can ask a teacher or worker to help you get support or ask for you. You can even help a friend ask for help.
Crucial: If you are already getting support from an EET Worker or your local Children and Family Centre, it’s really easy to get support. Just ask to speak to a Specialist Drug and Alcohol worker.
Support available includes:
- Structured 1:1 Support.
- Individual sessions for young people who are using drugs and or alcohol to reduce risks and bring about behaviour change.
- Hidden Harm Support - Structured individual sessions for children and young people whose parents, carers or other members of the family are using drugs or alcohol.
- Brief Advice & information – One-off brief advice & information sessions aimed at reducing risk.
Young people may also be referred to other services to help address other issues.
Crucial: Adults can also ask about support from their Children and Family Centre, if the substance use if causing problems in the family, or from their Doctor (GP). There are also charities like Alcoholics Anonymous who can provide help and treatment.
Drugs and the developing brain
Although drug addiction can happen at any age, children and young people are more vulnerable to bad effects. This is because of their developing bodies and brains. Drug use causes problems with sleeping, studying, health development, training for sports and more. Many people choose not to drink or take drugs for health reasons.
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