Support for parents

Find support for parents of young people with special educational needs (SEN) or disabilities
Happy young person stood with two parents

Some young people find it harder to learn than other young people of the same age. About one in five young people have special educational needs or a disability and need some extra help to do their best at school or college.   

Special educational needs and disability: The local offer

This page is suitable for all readers, but also part of the Oxfordshire Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Local Offer which collects together information, services and support for children and young people in Oxfordshire with special educational needs and disabilities and their families.

All young people need the best support possible from their parents, carers and other supporting adults. Young people with challenges and disabilities are no different. There are organisations that can help parents and carers in different ways.

Some organisations  offer advice about support services, and give parents and carers the chance to meet up with other people in the same situation.  Other organisations can provide services such as advocacy.

Support through Oxfordshire County Council

The SEND Local Offer explains what learning, health and care services there are for children and young people aged 0-25 with Special Education Needs and Disabilities.

SENDIASS Oxfordshire (formerly Parent Partnership) helps parents, carers and others work together to give the best support to children with special educational needs.

It does this in a number of different ways.

  • Through information and training
  • By providing Independent Parental Supporters
  • By giving opportunities for people to get involved in council decision-making
  • Providing links with other organisations who can offer help and support.

This is an independent service which looks at the needs and voice of the young person with Special Educational Needs. The service also provides guides, leaflets, regular drop-in and information sessions and more.

Crucial: There are also groups for young people with SEN and disabilities. Visit  for more information see our Activities for the Disabled page.


Advocacy is a way of helping children and adults to have their voice heard about important things.

  • Advocacy can help support people of all ages to
  • have their voices heard on issues that are important to them
  • safeguard and defend their rights
  • have their views and wishes genuinely considered when decisions are being made about their lives and services
  • gain personal skills which can also be used elsewhere, thus promoting their independence across their life.

Find out more about Advocacy for Children and Young People.

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