About the Targeted Youth Support Service

The Targeted Youth Support Service (TYSS) works with young people to reduce problems in their lives.
We help by enabling children and young people to increase aspirations and develop resilience.
Services include:
- Working with young people in small groups, focusing on particular difficulties
- Working with young people on a one-to-one basis
- Working with communities in addressing wider issues relating to young people
We also work with schools and other services to address problems like Anti-Social Behaviour, lack of local youth provision, responding to violence in a community or other sudden trauma.
Take action: You can refer a young person or get in touch by completing this short form. Young people aged 13+ can self-refer by completing this short referral form.
Who our service is for
As part of the Targeted Youth Support Service we offer group work and one to one support to any young person aged between 11-18 seeking support with social and emotional development. Our support extends to anyone aged up to 25 with an EHCP or has been part of Children We Care For.
Find out more: You can download this information flier to find out more about the service and share this Oxfordshire Targeted Youth Support Service Poster on noticeboards.
About youth work
Youth work is a unique approach of engaging with a young person that is solely built on the relationship between the worker and the young person. Both parties learn, grow and change as a result of the work.
The young person is an equal partner in the work and the young person’s engagement in the work is voluntary. Through this partnership a worker helps a young person to build life skills, develop healthy relationships and make decisions that are right for them.
Find out more: Download the Targeted Youth Support Service Statement.
Our aim is to enable young people to strengthen and develop personally, socially and emotionally. Our work supports transitions into adulthood promoting active and engaged future adults, who are able to make positive choices for their lives and communities.
You can refer a young person via short form here, or by contacting your LCSS worker or school.
Got any questions? If you have any questions you can contact the Targeted Youth Support Service directly via email tyss@oxfordshire.gov.uk