Next Steps

The EET (Education, Employment and Training) team help young people in Oxfordshire to find the best course, job or training option for them.
Young man in a park, looking towards camera

Worried about your next steps? Help is available

It's normal to worry about next steps, where you will study, and what you will do for a job. 

Your place of learning provides information and guidance to help with this. But sometimes young people need more help. 

  • There is support for young people who are not in education, employment or training (NEET)
  • You can register with oxme to get regular updates about post-16 opportunities 
  • If you're aged 16+ and not sure of your next steps you can request support from the EET team

Studies have shown participation in learning supports mental wellbeing. 

Find out more about staying in learning and progressing to your first job on

Need some extra support?  The Tellmi App is here to help, visit the website to access support.

Looking for your first job? 

If you are looking for your first job, an apprenticeship is a great choice. You can search for apprenticeships in Oxfordshire here on this website.

Are you NEET? Help is available

If you are Not in Employment, Education or Training (NEET) and of compulsory school age (up to 18) then support is available to help you find a learning destination that is right for you.

  • If you are under 16, or over 16 but on a school or college roll, contact your school or college to discuss next steps. We all know that it has been a difficult year, but support is available to help you reengage.
  • If you are over 16, and have dropped out, contact the EET support service. Support is available from the EET Support Service to help you find a suitable learning destination and gain qualifications.

If thinking about your future has got you in a panic, help is available, 24/7. Visit Childline or The Mix.  You can also request support from our Education, Employment and Training team

Where to access support: