Common health problems

Information on common health problems for teenagers and how you can help yourself and access support
Young person looking out of window

Mental wellbeing 

We all go through times where we feel down, stressed, or anxious. Especially during busy or important times during our lives, like sitting exams or starting at a new place of learning.

Taking time out, talking to those you trust, and practicing self-care can all help. But if things get too much – there is support available.   

Take action: Visit our Wellbeing Hub to find out more about how you can support your mental wellbeing. 

Young couple hugging

Sexual health

Even before you reach the age of consent (16) it is important to know how to stay safe emotionally and sexually. Consent, contraception, and sexual health is important whether or not you are ready to start having sex.

Young people in Oxfordshire can access free condoms and sexual health information from the Safety C-Card scheme

Crucial: Your School Health Nurse can give you confidential information about contraception and sexual health. 

young person sat looking away from camera

Sexuality and Identity 

Some people know their sexual orientation and identity from an early. Others take longer to work it out. It is important to have the freedom to explore your identity at your own pace.

People have an individual experience of gender and sexuality, and this needs to be respected. 

Instant Expert: Oxfordshire CAMHS have information on sexual orientation and identity

Teenager looking at camera

Body image and eating disorders

Knowing the right amount to eat to support health and wellbeing can be tricky, especially for people going through adolescence. 

Problems with eating can happen at any time and for lots of reasons. But learning about healthy eating is a key skill for young people. Your School Health Nurse can support you with information and strategies. 

Take Action: Oxfordshire CAMHS have lots of helpful information about tackling all kinds of eating disorders. 

Young people drinking by some garages

Alcohol, vaping, and substance use 

Part of growing up is understanding your relationship with substances like alcohol, nicotine and other drugs. Whether you need to know for yourself, or to support a friend or family member, it is helpful to find out more about local support.  

Crucial: Young people in Oxfordshire impacted by their substance use or somebody else’s can get support from their CranstounHere4YOUth or your School or College Health Nurse.

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